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lemonade and love♥
3 leopards & 1 jaguar

melody , novyy , qiulin , vivien
13 going 14
melody :19 june
novyy : 7 november
qiulin : 31 october
vivien : 6 march
Pasir Ris secondary.
singlicious <3

the ringing of the tea time

February 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008 ♠ 8:52 PM
Our group, consisting of Melody, Novrianti, Qiulin and Vivien, celebrated two festivals together before. That is Chinese New Year and New Year's Eve ( 31.12.every year ) This is how we celebrated it, and how we feel :

We celebrate New Year's Eve together. To mark the end of another year, and also to welcome the new upcoming year with cheerful smiles and vibrant laughter. Celebrating the New Year's Eve together bonded our friendship more and ever, and made us treasure each other more, make us realise that we're not taking each other for granted, and that, we do cherish this special frienship, which means alot to us. Counting down the seconds, made us happier than ever, thanking everything in this world, that we have one another as close friends. It's just that easy for us, sometimes. :D

As for Chinese New Year, which ends today, we celebrated it together by going to one another's house to wish them good wealth and health for this new year, and also, not forgetting the red packets given by one another's parents'. (: We would meet up in the morning, and then set off to the nearest possible place and then slowly travelling from one home to another. In the end, we'll end up in our own house, which would be the last stop for all of us. Meeting each other means alot to us, we get to see each other in our new clothings, and we will wish each other the best greeting we can think up of. That was how we celebrated the two festivals, though it wasn't something big or extra-ordinary, it was a happy and memorable occassion for us, because it shows that we have bonded very well as good friends, becoming more of like sisters than normal friends do. (:

Celebrating festivals with one another is indeed a true lesson of having fun with friends and the importance of having friends. We feel happy, at the same time, blessed and glad, that we have one another in this world, who can share the festivals spending time with us. That's what friends are for. Friends till the end.

Melody (2)
Qiulin (7)
Vivien (13)
Novrianti (3)

♠ 6:20 PM
hahs..mine is the last>.<

well anyway..my experience was totally different from jess.
because jess and his family went to church on easter day while i don't even celebrate easter day..
well actually i don't even know when is it actually..so i don't really bother as no one in my family knew either.

well..for christmas..jess went searching for a gift for leslie and spent christmas with her in terabithia.
for me..christmas means the day to receive and open those presents^^
hahs..not really i would need to beg for my present before christmas so that i would have one>.<
i know its like very funny but its true..
i really need to go to the extend of asking for it, if not i would not even have a present..

so thats all the differences in celebrating easter and christmas between jess and me.

vivien (13)

♠ 5:27 PM
To compare my celebration of Christmas and Easter was so much different from Jess's experience.

During Christmas, my friends and I exchanged presents between each other. For Jess, he did not have money to buy presents for his friends, not even for himself. Whereas his sisters are just too occupied with the preparation of christmas presents. He thought of something to buy for Leslie but finds it hard to get anything good.

My family would usually goes out for dinner and followed by shopping, and i will get to buy lots of stuffs. (: Jess also celebrated his christmas with his family but he didn't enjoy it very much.

During Easter, Jess's family will go to the church. Whereas, my family don't. We will just treat it like a normal holiday, which is just another day which we can get a break from all our busy studying and work. (:


♠ 5:11 PM
For me , i did not have any celebrations for both Easter and Christmas day.Either i go out with my friends or i would stay at home , lazing around.

During Easter day , Jess and his family , including Leslie , went to the church. That was not practiced in my family, partly because i am not a christian. Therefore , my family and i will used this day to enjoy ourselves. How do we pamper ourselves ? We will wake up late in the morning , ordering food etc. Because holiday comes once in a blue moon , pampering ourselves once in a while won't harm .We would also have family outings , or we will all gather in my parents' room and watch a DVD.

As for christmas , i don't exchange present with my family members , which Jess does. That is why i don't have to worry or quarrel with my brothers over money. Sometimes , i exchange presents with my friends , only close friends. So , what did my family and i do during christmas ? We would have small little talks , or we would have family outings , again.
That was my experiences. Different from Jess , right ? ;D
-Qiu Lin (7)

♠ 4:27 PM
well..first day of chinese new year was not that bad..
woke up at about 9+.
my mother told me to quickly get ready so that we would reach my grandmother's house earlier.
so,i go and get my shower n thn wore my new clothes ^^

on the first day i wore a blue blouse witt my white skinnys..
so nice larhh..i so love it actually
then i went to called my mother to help me put liduid eyeliner>.<
i only know how to use pencil der..
then i went to my grandmother's house..then went to my mother mother house then..then..i cant remember>.<
i got to met up with some of my cousins..some which i have not seen for a long time

the second day was not bad at all
more cousins came to visit my mother's mother! nearly all came!
i was so happy..some i have not seen in lyk 2 years..they came!
well,most of my cousins are from my mother's side okay i mean all..

well that all i can remember^^ cos i really cant tink of anything that really happened..
and obviously i received more "ang baos"^^ and i was overwhelmed

the third day i went to my mother's boss house..okay it was not very fun because i don't really know them all..then i went to visit my mother's mother again!!i don't know why but i like to go there..its so fun>.<
because i can play with my cousins..

the fourth day i went to my another cousin's house^^ she is my closes cousin since young..(when my other cousins came to visit my mother's mother,they go to de hong's house)
dehong my cousin^^ hahs
well, anyway, i didnt really go many places but i am really happy^^


♠ 3:55 PM
Jess and his family went to the church during the easter holiday, something that i dont, since i dont celebrate easter's holiday. Easter for me is to be spent at home, talking to family members about our everyday lives, instead of going to the church, like what Jess and his family does.

As for Christmas, Jess went around to search for the perfect gift to be given to Leslie. As for me, Christmas was spent with my family members. Waking up late till the late morning is a must-have for all of us, since a public holiday comes once in a while. Then we'll wake up, go outside to have our brunch, sometimes at the nearby coffee-shop or the nearby hawker centre. From the late afternoon onwards, we'll go shopping, usually at Parkway Parade. Things were like that for a few years now. While Jess would spend time with Leslie to visit Terabithia.

Novrianti (3)

♠ 2:53 PM
Hey peoples ! okays , I am writing about Chinese New Year! ;D
Last year’s was great. FUN and ENJOYABLE are the words to describe.
Chinese New Year was celebrated at my house last year.
This year , Chinese New Year was celebrated at my uncle’s house.
Red packets are my favorite !

i think its every child's favourite.
Because this is when money come in. hahahhahhahas

My family did spring cleaning together.
Tired but fun.
Co-operation and teamwork , or rather family work was there.
Soon , we finish the cleaning.
I think my family relationship is GREAT!
After everyone have bath , we went out for our dinner .

6th of February , my family went to my uncle’s house for reunion dinner.
I believe everyone enjoyed themselves there.

We chatted and laugh our heads off.
Pictures ?
Ohh , we have loads of them.
I shall post it later yeah ?

7th of February was Chinese New Year !
Red packets ! Red packets !
Money money money (:
Everyone gather together, though we have family gathering often ,
but this is the time when everyone gets together and have small little talks.
How I love Chinese New Year .
Laughter filled the whole house.

i went there at noon and came back at night.
Ohhs , i spent so much time there , what did i do ?
I did loads of thing. playing volleyball is one of them.
I found out that some of my relatives play volleyball too.
Ate my dinner there and my father drove us home.

On 8th of February , my family went to my uncle’s house.
Nah, not the same uncle! This time is the one from my mother side.
Another gathering. This time, its not as crowded , as there is lesser people there.

Red packets was collected (:
Actually , the house was quiet ,
almost everyone as quiet. No one speak up.
But , after a while , we began to talk.
I guess no one could stand the quietness right ?
We went off at 4.
We drove to city hall first , because my brother is meeting his friend at city hall mrt station.
After he got off , it was left with me and my parents.
Initially , we went to bugis , because we wanted to walk around.
To our surprise , the bugis' street was so deserted.
All the shops were close.
Thus , we drove to tampines.
There are more people there and shops were open .
We shop around till 7 and went to eat our dinner at kfc.
After eating , my parents and i went home.

On the third day , i did not go anwhere.
My mother's friend come to our house .
they did not give red packets.
that cause me and my brothers to complain.
I spent the whole day at home.
Soon after my mother's friends left ,
me and my brothers began counting our money.
i won't say how much i got , this is for safety reasons (:

My chinese new year celebration was great !
i LOVE LOVE LOVE Chinese New Year !

-Qiu Lin (7)